Tuesday 7 April 2009

the better you feel....

"You cannot guide yourself by using someone else's criteria, and your criteria is the way you feel. The better you feel, the more on your path to Who You Are, you are. Good feels Good!"

-Abraham- Hicks

Cool Cool Lemonade

So, wanted to share with you an amazing artist, whom i am also so very honoured and lucky to be friends with. The lovely Pamela Tait, who resides is the beautiful, fresh and lush (yet chilly!) Highlands of Scotland.
Pamela is not only an incredible artist, she is also one of the sweetest, most adorable and kind people i've ever met.
This is just this tiny little taste of her work, for more please visit her website. It blows me away every time....

Saturday 4 April 2009

i so Love quotes...

''It does not matter what path you take, but it does matter if the path you are taking is something that you are believing is appropriate. Nothing is more damaging to you than to do something that you believe is wrong.''
